Crime Scene Vehicles

Bösenberg develops and produces special vehicle concepts for the work of crime scene investigators and the transport of their high-quality and expensive equipment. We also offer solutions for special applications like vehicles for the fire investigation.

Product Description

We provide the vehicle concepts for crime scene and fire investigation vehicles either directly through the vehicle manufacturer or as special solutions for your vehicle.


In close collaboration with future users and the supplier of the base vehicle, we agree on the type and scope of the interior. In the process, we take the demands on the transport and storage of specific equipment materials (e.g. stereo cameras) into consideration.

If you are interested in our vehicle concept, we would be happy to make contact!

Consultation before the Purchase

During the configuration of your new police vehicle, the interior of the base vehicle is of utmost importance.


We know which vehicle meets your requirements best. That is why we offer consultation before you purchase your new vehicle. Together, we configure the right base vehicle independently from the manufacturer and without intentions to sell - and of course also all further alterations and mountings. Save yourself time and nerves with our free service! Click here for the contact form.