Police Patrol Cars

Product Description

Bösenberg delivers add-ons for series-produced police patrol cars with a boot organisation or a cargo hold system for vehicles of all manufacturers. The safety of the police officers while driving as well as during the operation is the main argument for the use of our systems.


Loose load or resources can quickly become a danger for passengers in an accident. During an operation it is important to quickly find resources or barrier material. In addition, the load is protected from damages and thus the operational safety is increased.


All boot organisations can be reconverted without damage and are therefore suitable for the use in leasing vehicles.


We deliver the boot organisatons with the original equipment via the vehicle manufacturer as well as retrofit solutions. Country-specific differences in the vehicle equipment can be considered.

Consultation before the Purchase

During the configuration of your new police vehicle, the interior of the base vehicle is of utmost importance.


We know which vehicle meets your requirements best. That is why we offer consultation before you purchase your new vehicle. Together, we configure the right base vehicle independently from the manufacturer and without intentions to sell - and of course also all further alterations and mountings. Save yourself time and nerves with our free service! Click here for the contact form.